Who We Are

In 1998 when volatile world was bidding farewell to humanity, Sadbhavna was originated for welfare to all and service to humanity. Its primary objective was to serve the rural remote and disadvantaged population, particularly women folk in education and health care. Gradually the organization diversified into:

  • Educational institutions
  • Health  care institutions
  • Community radio station & media
  • Sadbhavna Publications with:
  • Sadbhavna Research Journal of Human Development
  • Sadbhavna Samaj
  • Sadbhavna teaching materials
  • Educational books

Sadbhavna vision was narrated thousands of years ago as:
ओम साहो नाब-वातौ, साहो नौबुनकटौ, साहो वीरियम करो बाबोई
तेजशविन अधिवट्टम अस्थू, माविदविशवाई
ओम शांति ओम शांति ओम शांति ओम
Come, let us study together. Let us seek together. The teaching will make our character strong. The learning will make our intellect grow. Let us not envy each other. Let peace prevail all over.

The mission of Sadbhavna society is the first shloka. First shloka of the first to Upanishads, i.e. Ish-Upanishad.
ईश्वर्यसिदाम सर्वम जाथकिनो जगतिन जगत
तानो टायगेंटाओ भुनजिता,
मा ग्रिधवा कश्वासिधि धवन.

  • Let the enlightment pervade the universe like the emperor’s robe.
  • Let us enjoy by giving away. Let us not envy at each other’s wealth

Sadbhavna society embibed its work objective from one of the greatest masters of India and the world. It is :
ਦੇਹ ਸਿਵਾ ਬਰੁ ਮੋਹਿ ਇਹੈ ਸੁਭ ਕਰਮਨ ਤੇ ਕਬਹੂੰ ਨ ਟਰੋਂ ॥ ਨ ਡਰੋਂ ਅਰਿ ਸੋ ਜਬ ਜਾਇ ਲਰੋਂ ਨਿਸਚੈ ਕਰਿ ਅਪੁਨੀ ਜੀਤ ਕਰੋਂ ॥ 
O’Lord bestowed with the power so that I never hesitate to do the right thing. Bestowed me  with the bravery to face all oppositions. Bless me to determine and win.

The Organization is presided by Dr.A.k.Banerjee, a surgeon by qualification, choice a professor by vocation and entrepreneur by choice. He has many books and more than 30 scientific articles to his credit and is the member of Editorial Committee of many reputant journals


These activities are supervised by Balvir Kaur Malra, Mphil. with an expertise in Library Science.

Dr. Arindam Kanta Banerjee

MS Professor, Department of Surgery, RKDF Medical College & Hospital, Madhya Pradesh

Dr. Arindam Kanta Banerjee is a surgeon by qualification, Professor of Surgery by vocation, entrepreneur by default and a multi-faceted social activist by choice. However, he introduces himself as a 'teachable' teacher. He is a regular author and columnist is various journals and has more than 30 original research publications.